False Rape Allegations

Men’s Rights Activist left a comment saying that conservatives did not view rape as a sex crime, but rather concentrate on false rape allegations. Those two views are equally false. I addressed the sex crime theory in the original rape thread; for the idea that there are a lot of false allegations, consider this.

[Link] Given the many reasons for doing so, it is understandable and perhaps even inevitable that victims will often make inconsistent or untrue statements about their assault. However, many investigators and others have mistakenly concluded on this basis that the entire allegation is false. For example, in her article on the topic, Aiken (1993) defines a false allegation as a claim that is deliberately deceitful about any significant aspect of the assault. Based on this definition, the author provides the following as case examples for false rape allegations:

Toni was asleep at home when she was awakened by someone’s presence next to her bed. A masked man was standing there holding a knife. He threatened her with the knife and forced her to have vaginal sex with him. He also forced her to perform fellatio. After he left, she immediately called the police. In her statement, she denied engaging in oral sex because she felt shame and guilt.

Patricia was a drug addict. She would do almost anything to support her habit. She made arrangements to buy some crack from her dealer. She met him at the appointed time and place. In the course of the transaction there was a disagreement over the terms of the sale. The dealer physically assaulted Patricia, dragged her behind a vacant house, and forced her to have sex. Patricia reported the incident to the police, completely omitting the details of the drug deal.

Kathryn lived alone and was sexually assaulted by her neighbor. He forced her to have vaginal and oral sex with him. Kathryn had always feared this man. He threatened to kill her if she reported the assault. She also was afraid of venereal disease. To secure free medical services, she reported the incident to police. She described her assailant as a masked stranger and denied the oral act.

The characterization of these cases as “false allegations” is not only incorrect but also troubling. In the first instance, the victim omitted details of certain sexual acts out of shame. In the second, she omitted details of her own drug use in order to bolster her perceived credibility, and in the third she failed to provide the identity of her assailant out of fear for her life. These case examples are not really false allegations. These are cases in which the victim omitted or distorted information about the assault, but they do not negate the reality that the assault happened.

The same document quotes an NYPD sex crimes specialist who analyzes the 250 unfounded rape reports out of 2,000 in New York in a given period of time; of these, about 200 weren’t real rape reports, but rather cases of female victims of lesser crimes yelling rape to get the police there more quickly, and 45 more did not accuse specific people.

Once in a while, a woman might fabricate a rape for a variety of reasons, like having a tyrannical father or husband who holds her to a curfew she broke, or wanting to talk to a police officer out of loneliness. She will very, very rarely point to a specific perpetrator, which will require her to face him and has a serious risk of the police discovering she’s a liar.

The majority of rapes are committed by people known to the victim (the NCVS says 60-70%; the BCS has exactly 50%, assuming the unweighted bases can actually be weighted). The majority of false allegations posit a stranger. In many rapes, the victim doesn’t or barely resists for fear for her life; in most false allegations, she resists. Many real rapes involve not just vaginal intercourse but also other sexual acts; in most false allegations, there’s only vaginal intercourse, both because of the embarrassment factor and because rape is perceived as being just forced intercourse.

In other words, mens’ rights activists’ stereotypical false allegation, which involves a woman who has consensual sex with a man and then accuses him of rape, happens extremely rarely, if at all.

66 Responses to False Rape Allegations

  1. SLC says:

    There have been several high profile cases of late which involve what appear to be false rape allegations. Most notable are the Kobe Bryant case in Colorado and the Duke case in North Carolina. In the Bryant case, we have Ms. Faber, the accuser, lying on the witness stand in a court proceeding in the judges’ chamber as to whether she had a sexual encounter less then 24 hours after the incident with Mr. Bryant. In the latter case, we have a combination of an ambitious unprincipled prosecutor together with an accuser who has apparently changed her story numerous times and has implicated a young man, Reade Seliigmann, who apparently was not even present when the alleged assault took place.

  2. hujo says:

    Dude C’mon, Those majority cases where the people know each other that’s where it’s gonna happen, just because a guy is convicted of rape and becomes a rape stat doesn’t mean he is a rapist.

    Why do you think the duke rape case got as stupid as it did? Do you remember the attitude of the feminist blogsphere AND liberal media over this? KNEEJERK White and Boys equals guilty.

    The real issue is the media and justice system being heavily influenced by the dworkin mckinnon style feminism that branded men as only inherently evil sexual predators and women only as their hapless victims. This influence allows for such a kneejerk system that prejudges and does not consider the men’s side.

    You know what I mean, good shit Alon on that feministing thread where you stook up for male victims of rape. That is what I mean by feminisms twisted influence. A male rape actually gets reported and hits the papers and the female supremacists cant stand it. The idea men can be victims shatter the “woman are victims of man” feminist worldview. This same sort of view allows for FA.

    I have seen ONE case in England where a woman was sentenced to six months for FA. The first time I ever heard of a woman being sentenced for FA. Research away alon and you will find that rape accusation will destroy career, family, friendships, finances and future, it destroys a life, if you where one of the few women that would like to destroy a mans life for whatever reason you will succeed or only spend 6 months(short time) in jail if at all for trying. Unlike the male victim of FA the female perp rarely gets her face in the paper.

    We have to realize women are no better or good than men. Just like the vast minority of men who take advantage of size and rape there will be a vast minority of women that abuse the anti-male system, the PROBLEM isnot weather its an epidemic it’s the system that allows for this and that there is no real deterrent for the female false accuser.

  3. hujo says:

    “better-or worse than men”

  4. Alon Levy says:

    Those majority cases where the people know each other that’s where it’s gonna happen, just because a guy is convicted of rape and becomes a rape stat doesn’t mean he is a rapist.

    The NCVS isn’t about rape cases. It’s a survey that polls Americans randomly, asks them whether they’ve been victims of any crime in the last year, and records the result. In particular, women have no vested interest in lying in either direction. Lying that they were raped won’t get anyone in trouble, since the survey has nothing to do with the police, and won’t let them have heart-wrenching conversations with anyone, since the survey is scripted. Lying that they were not raped isn’t in their interest, either, since the number one factor depressing reporting rates, the likelihood that the victim will have to confront the perpetrator, does not exist.

    I have seen ONE case in England where a woman was sentenced to six months for FA. The first time I ever heard of a woman being sentenced for FA.

    False accusations are devastating when they get to the trial phase, but that’s rare enough already. In England and Wales, there were 12,000 reported rapes in 2002. Assuming the same rate of false allegations as in New York, it means 30 of these were liars. Of these 30, most wouldn’t even go to trial; the conviction rate of reported rape in England and Wales is 5.6%.

    Actually, once an accusation is found to be false, it’s no longer devastating. If a court finds positive evidence that the accusation was false, the accused man’s social circle will know that he’s innocent. The problem isn’t with the cases that result in acquittal, but with cases that don’t go to trial. Then people don’t get a chance to look at the evidence, and often conclude erroneously that the rape was real.

  5. SLC says:

    Re hujo

    I would have to disagree with Mr. Jujo concerning the influence of MacKinnon and the late and unlamented Dworkin. Most people have never heard of them. The real threats are the Wendy Murphys, Nancy Graces, and Gloria Allreds of the world who get publicity by appearing on cable talk shows as talking heads. These folks specialize in demonizing defense lawyers and prejudicing potential jury members against people accused of sexual assault. They are not interested in justice for the alleged victims and alleged perpetrators. They are interested in lynch mob justice for the alleged perpetrators, who they consider to be guilty as charged.

  6. Hujo says:

    Thanks for the name dropping heads up slc.

    Right Alon i forgot that women are inherantly good and would never abuse the system or try to harm another human like the inherently evil men. FA just simply doesn’t exist there are no men in jail for crimes the didn’t commit and we need no deterents for women because they simply don’t commit crime! (Big giant roll eyes)

  7. SLC says:

    Re Hujo

    Sorry about that. h and j are right next to each other on the keyboard.

  8. Alon Levy says:

    Right Alon i forgot that women are inherantly good and would never abuse the system or try to harm another human like the inherently evil men.

    It’s not “would never.” It’s “do rarely.”

    I have absolutely no problem with deterrents, as long as they require positive proof of a false allegation. It’s not enough for the allegation to be unproven, since most allegations never even reach the trial phase where they can be proved. It’s not even enough for the allegation to turn out to be false, for example if based on preponderance of evidence it’s ruled that the allegation was an honest mistake (for example, if the victim made a mistaken identification of a suspect in a lineup, or had reasonable grounds to believe she had been raped). In Tawana Brawley’s case, it became clear that she had made the entire incident up; with similar standards of proof, I’d support throwing people in jail for false allegations.

  9. SLC says:

    Re Levy

    If you’re Wendy Murphy, there’s not such thing as a false allegation.

  10. hujo says:

    Most people read it and type it as huGo anyway. ‘Sides, I am the grand master of typo’s, horrible grammar/structure and half assed spell checking (just lazy sometimes) so you got no judgments from me. 😉

    Do rarely but do indeed do. This is all I am saying.

    I have heard the word trend not epidemic.

    I don’t know what kind of mra’s you talk to Alon but the ones I do see the issues here being the general demonization of men and men’s ingrained chivalry allowing for a system that has a predisposition to suspect men and side with women.

    This is why there are no deterrents other than fines for filing a false report or 3 to 6 months for perjury.

    This and the fact we do not consider the damage this does to a man’s life because we have learned not to consider men.

    Try being innocent and living with the title of accused rapist for any length of time, people you know and love are going to question you, even if it doesn’t make it to trial even if your face is not in the paper, your significant other and immediate social network people at work your employers will most likely know. Live in a small town? How’s pariah feel?


    Lets not forget the target of chivalrous male violence you will become

    To parallel your mra break down on FA, do you believe a man will rape one out of every four women? You seem to align with strict definitions, so rape of course would only be forced penetration, or a women being incapable of consent? So you might agree the one in four TBTN Feminist rape surveys various definitions of rape would not be rape just sheer manipulation to create a false epidemic that demonizes men and general and creates unwarranted sympathy and garnishes funding, study and consideration of one gender only in a crime that effects humanity? But I guess it’s a weak analogy, as society has not committed thirty years of study to the phenomenon of false actuations for above-mentioned reasons and I think rape happens to men more than FA happens to women.


    • Hank says:

      What of a man who, out of kindness, has sex with a girlfriend who complains of being raped by another man, then is accused of rape by taking unfair advantage of her emotional state? He thought that she would feel better by his confirmation that she was sexually desirable in spite of having been raped. Is he stupid or is she a creep?

  11. Alon Levy says:

    Live in a small town?

    That would be punishment enough, I think.

    To parallel your mra break down on FA, do you believe a man will rape one out of every four women?

    I have precise rape data for one country, and so-so data for another. In the one I have precise data for, 18% of women have been raped, but since rates have been going down, if they hold steady this percentage will go down to 5%. A statistic that, frankly, I see a lot less than I should on Feministe and Feministing.

    This is why there are no deterrents other than fines for filing a false report or 3 to 6 months for perjury.

    This and the fact we do not consider the damage this does to a man’s life because we have learned not to consider men.

    If it were about misandry, wouldn’t you see stricter penalties for perjury when the accused is female?

  12. Hujo says:

    If your just talking the crime of perjury no I am not a ware of a gender bias either way.

    the falsely accused is never female, I shouldn’t say never…but… however these things do tend to go both ways we may see a trend in FA of women, I do feel in this kind of case the man would be suspect liar and the women viewed as a victim of FA right off the bat, just a reversal of male accused that aligns with the same double standards, same woman good man bad ideology.

    I am not sure if you heard of the guy that was fired for accusing a female boss of harassment?


  13. hujo says:

    A little off topic but this sort of touches on some things said here, plus you should pass it around for fun!!!

    “Caroline Smith DeWaal | Men, Maleness, and Equality
    14 December 2006”


    (A little less than a third of the way thru the stream.)

    To a Canadian mra having this air in the most heavily populated province is like an imposable dream come true, though it’s not a sponsored show, which might have something to do with it’s airing, hey?

    You might know of the speaker Cathy Young? She is the only one I am familiar with co-author of both “spreading misandry” “legalizing misandry”

    Also it’s fun to notice the sane and rational manner in witch Canadian debate shows operate compared with their American counterparts!

    Also Interesting to note in the shows unscientific survey 80% of viewers felt that men are discriminated against in this country.

  14. hujo says:

    Well godamit i guess it’s down…will see if it was saved by anyone…sorry.

  15. hujo says:

    The USA’s Economic Inequality

    Ha ha…here it is.. Blushy face.. They just moved it to “past shows”

  16. hujo says:

    Arrgh the embarasing overposting!!

    Sorry for the mess alon please delete the above two posts the show is only available in audio now on.. this page. (I hate when they do that!)


  17. Hujo says:

    Well anyway if you listened to it you will see that there is a trend for women to use false abuse acusation to gain sole custody.

  18. hujo says:

    “the falsely accused is never female, I shouldn’t say never…but… however these things do tend to go both ways we may see a trend in FA of women, I do feel in this kind of case the man would be suspect liar and the women viewed as a victim of FA right off the bat, just a reversal of male accused that aligns with the same double standards, same woman good man bad ideology.”


    “Don’t forget, this is a guy who was charged with spousal abuse in Arizona,” Felder said.

    “It’s absurd. She’s all of 5-foot-3 and 110 pounds. He’s the professional athlete. And she harassed him?

    “It’s very simple,” he said of the charges that Joumana attacked Kidd. “There’s a one-word response: Untrue.”

    Kidd was back on the basketball court last night and had a strong game, scoring 10 points and getting 14 assists as the Nets beat the Toronto Raptors, 101-86.

    He and his wife are due in court again Jan. 17.”

  19. hujo says:

    The reality is if a man like him did defend himself and causes greater tissue damage, what happens when the police get their and she claims abuse?

    So the whole size dismissal is just incorrect and wrong. Throw a heavy blunt object and it’s equalized, plus men are feeling creatures it’s not like they are immune to psychological abuse and the trama of being constantly attacked by a “loved one” this is one area feminists are gonna have to give up.

    • Hank says:

      What of a man who, out of kindness, has sex with a girlfriend who complains of being raped by another man, then is accused of rape by taking unfair advantage of her emotional state? He thought that she would feel better by his confirmation that she was sexually desirable in spite of having been raped. Is he stupid or is she a creep?

  20. scott says:

    False accussations are rampant..
    Men are now blinded by the “women as victim” stereotype to the degree that other men are having their consttutional rights of equal protection under the law being trampled on…

  21. Colleen King says:

    An observation from a mother/grandmother: I see two dynamics going on in our culture. According to the media, Hollywood, etc. men are evil and women are good. It’s okay for a woman to slap a man’s face, or punch him in the gut, or scream at him and threaten him, but it’s not okay for a man. This is actually portrayed as comedy in most movies. Women are also portrayed as smart, with-it, and smarter than men, or wiser. There is definitely a double standard of behavior. Go to Hallmark and look for a card that bashes women. You won’t find them, but you’ll find hundreds of cards that bash men. The talking heads are fools. The second dynamic I see happening in our culture is the all-out sexualization of our young people, and especially the predatory behavior of women toward men. Watch MTV for one hour and you will see why our kids are going down the wrong road. No one is better than anyone else, but when one segment of society is elevated over another as being better, wiser, smarter, nicer, well, you know what can happen. We humans just love to have someone to hate – maybe so we won’t have to look at ourselves. Another thing: I really feel our sons are much more vulnerable than our daughters. There have been some “so called” rape cases in our community that everyone knows were bogus. These boys have lost their future, and the girls must carry the guilt of their lies for the rest of their lives. What are we doing to our kids?

    • Hank says:

      Men must be careful not to use excessive force when defending themselves from assaults by women. That a woman struck or attempted to strike a man is no excuse for him to wipe her out.
      When my mother attempted to murder my father for not listening to her, he gently grabbed her wrist and took the knife away from her.
      All too many men today would have beat her to a pulp or killed her. He didn’t do her any harm whatsoever.

  22. Tim says:

    I went to one of our lovely state colleges in Missouri. During my time there, we had the whole serial rapist scare on campus. There were marches, there were rallies, there were official announcements. Women were supposed to “buddy up when they go out”.

    Some poor guy got accused, and it was literally a lynch mob. 9 “victims” in all. He knew one of them, he had gone out with her the night before she made her claim, and simply hadn’t called her the next day. Feeling rejected, she hopped on the bandwagon and accused him of rape.

    If it had not been for her allegation, it may have continued on to more “vicitkms”. She eventually recanted completely – he may have had a much worse fate, one his picture was plastered “everyone was sure he was the one”. He was suspended from campus, AFAIK he never recieved a refund for his tuition, he name was printed in the paper as a suspect, he was arrested, held, interrogated for several days. He never even recieved an appology from the woman involved, the police, the university. He did not return to campus.

    Of the women, 9 in total who had made allegations of rape, ALL 9 recanted, admitted their claims were false. His date was only the first crack in the story, and it was simply impossible to have occured.

    The university >cough

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  60. HarryS says:

    The lack of standardization of terminology is confusing.
    “False” should mean that no rape took place, and the reporting person knows she/he is lying. Even when it is quite evident that the reporter is lying, if no alleged rapist has been identified, referral for counseling may be more appropriate. However, if an alleged rapist has been identified, arrested (publicly humiliated, fired from job, spouse filed divorce, etc., false reporting charges may be called for.
    “Unsubstantiated” should mean that evidence sufficient to file formal charges is lacking. It should not mean that the reporting person is lying. The person may be lying, but it can’t be proven, either. The person may be telling the truth but what she/he describes does not constitute rape as defined by the statute or court decisions.

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